Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Reason Behind My Blog Hiatus

A few days ago, I announced I was going on a mini hiatus from my blog, The Undeveloped Story. At the moment, you will find some guest posts so it won't be completely empty of content.  I thought I would stop by and let everyone know here the reason behind this hiatus.

Back in 2006, I went through a pretty dark time. A visit to the therapist and I found out that I had Generalized Anxiety Disorder/Panic Disorder/OCD. I was on medication for awhile and then college got in the way and I couldn't get to my therapy sessions (I was about two hours away at the time). But, I was okay. No panic attacks. Nothing.

This past September, my step-dad passed away unexpectedly in the home. My mom and I found him in his chair and it really messed me up. Probably more than I care to admit. It brought back my anxiety ten times worse than before.  When panic and anxiety hits, it's hard to focus on a lot. You try to keep your mind on other things, but when it starts to race, it's hard to derail it from happening.

So, I began to neglect things. My blog, my writing, etc. Anxiety took control again.  I went to the doctors on Monday and they gave me some medication to try and help. Unfortunately, I think it's only made it worse and now I'm stuck in between more  options.  I have a therapy appointment next Thursday so we'll see what happens then.

I'm hoping to get back to blogging and writing next week. Until then, I'll do my best to cope with the anxiety and figure something out. Yeah, everyone feels anxious at some point, but there are others who don't really have the capabilities to cope with it sometimes. If you know of anyone with an anxiety disorder, please don't treat them like they're crazy. Don't shrug them off when they're scared and want someone to talk to. Sit down and talk with them. Distract them as best as you can, but remember that sometimes it's hard for us to focus. It's hard for us to not think about having an anxiety attack. Once you know what a panic attack feels like, it's easy to feel one again. You don't forget that feeling. It comes awfully fast but it is slow in leaving. So just be patient with them and understand that there is no off switch when it comes to anxiety.

If you want to help me out this week and do a guest post on my blog, you can e-mail me at It could be a great way to reach out to other bloggers out there. I will say my blog is more about writing and literature, but this week, I'm really letting it be about anything (within reason  haha). If you have any questions, e-mail them to me and I'll answer them.


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