Thursday, April 28, 2011

OH GOD! The President! The President! The President!

Seriously, if I open up any more web page and the first piece, or should I say, the featured story is based on the President's birth certificate I'm going to shoot myself.  Wait, no I won't, but Jeez come on people! 

You have like 90% of the country up Jan Brewer's ass because she wants outrageous immigration laws in the state of Arizona, yet the whole country is up the President's ass over his birth certificate.  Do you really think that our country is that retarded?  Oh wait, the same people (majority vote) that voted for him are the same people demanding/questioning his birth, maybe we are a little retarded. 
And, I do use the word "WE" because when other countries look at us they label us as a whole.  I'm just so sick and tired of the focus not being reserved for real issues.  For issues that, not only the government, WE all tend to overlook, yet we fixate on the dumber shit.  Sometimes I also think its a ploy by the media to distract the people from caring about the real issues.  But, even then it's our fault for having the attention span of fishes (hey fishy fishy....hey fishy that movie?). 

All I'm saying is lets stop messing around with these dumb issues and lets start focusing our energy on how to stop borrowing money from China.  Or better yet, how to lower gas prices.  Here's an idea, how about we tackle the education issues plaguing our country instead of trying to create a birth certificate scandal!  UGH!

"Get your head out your ass" will be my slogan when I run for President.  Please make sure to send all donations to thewriteguyz c/o Chub Johnson.  lol. (patent pending on the t-shirt, coffee mug, and bumper sticker slogan)

Chub Out!


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