Thursday, April 28, 2011

American Idol, Who's going home? I can't do this anymore!!! lol

So how great was American Idol last night?  I can't believe how great this season has turned out.  Yeah, I know, I know, many of you are fixated on the bad parts of the show (voting).  But, you cannot deny that most, if not all, of the contestants are simply phenomenal singers.

Plus, it gives us something entertaining to watch on Wednesdays and Thursdays.  HA!

I'm going to keep this one short and sweet because I have lots to do today and very little time. 
James is definitely starting to grown on me.  The dude can actually sing, and he doesn't seem to irritate me as much as he did in the beginning of the season with all his dam screaming.  His performance last night will definitely keep him safe and out of the bottom three.

Casey, I know, I know, everyone loves him, but I am so tired of him growling on stage and putting on Broadway like shows.  I understand that he is a gifted musician and one day I know he will be huge, but for now I just wish he would sing and stop all that fucken growling.  It's so irritating to me. 

Scotty and Lauren, I categorize them together because they are both starting to become a snooze fest.  Unlike James who I definitely wasn't rooting for, they have yet to truly change it up.  Yeah, Scotty hit a few extra high notes yesterday, but big deal.  You have James bending over backwards (literally) hitting notes only dogs can hear, yet you (Scotty) think that holding your mic like a flute and raising your (Scotty) eyebrows is going to win this for you?  NOPE.COM, look it.  Same goes for Lauren, the cute, shy, country girl routine is getting old.  I think they are both awesome singers and have great talent, but if they don't change it up quickly they are gone!

Jacob, Jacob, Jacob where did you go wrong?  What happened to that dude that irritated me with his facial expressions but melted my ear drums with his beautiful voice?  Jacob I'm sorry but you will be going home tonight.  I know this for a fact.  Not sure when or how, but you went from being that awkward flamboyant guy to just awkward and irritating. lol

Haley.  The only thing I can say about Haley is that she has officially made me a fan.  I had her categorized as one of the first three idol finals to be sent home, and look at her now.  She's standing there loud and proud saying "fuck you Chub!" lol (relax Rabbit, 8 Mile reference for those of you who don't know).  I think Haley has finally proven why she is where she is.  You go girl (manly you go girl just in case you were wondering).

So any who, let's see what happens tonight.  Hopefully the right person gets sent home.

Chub Out!


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